Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang 


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang 

Starting surfing again after a few months of being landlocked can be tricky at first. Same as cycling, surfing is something you never forget after you have done it. Sure, it will take a while to get back in form again, but after a couple of days, you should be right back where you left off. The wave at “Baby-Padang” is perfect to do this.

Of course, progress is the goal for everyone going on a longer surfing trip. With professional help and guidance, this will come faster than you might think. Trying new waves and seeing different surf spots is great, but if you really want to improve the basics, then surfing the same spots can be very beneficial. The more you get to know the wave, the more you will catch and the more progress you will make.