Intermediate surf guiding at Geger


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger

A storm blew in overnight leaving the west coast of the island with messy conditions. This is not an issue for our camp as we can quickly access the southern and eastern coastlines of the Bukit Peninsula. The swell is holding steady at 5ft. at 13 seconds coming from 218 degrees. Our intermediate group headed to Geger Left where they found pumping offshore, overhead waves breaking over the reef. Our group scored clean, fast walls with a few barrel sections for the skilled surfer to take advantage of.

The stretch of coastline from Nikko to Sri Lanka is an excellent alternative to have available when the wind turns onshore on our side of the Bukit. Contained within this small area, you have the more advanced waves of Geger, Geger Left, and Sri Lanka, an intermediate friendly wave at Nikko, and the beginner friendly wave at Blackstone.