Beginner Surf Lessons at Black Stone


Beginner Surf Lessons at Black Stone

Our beginner surfers were off to Black Stone again this morning where they enjoyed easier conditions and the sunny weather. The swell has dropped in size to 5 ft. at 13 seconds coming from 202 degrees, and the stiff breeze continued to blow offshore from the west. Our surfers left the camp at 6:30 AM, giving the tide some time to come up after a low of 3:40 AM at -.1 meters, and a high of 1 meter at 9:45 AM. Like yesterday, the steady wind kept the faces of the waves open, which allowed the surfers to enjoy some long rides across the reef!

When the conditions are challenging, nothing beats the encouragement you get from one of our instructors. Their light-hearted nature and charismatic personalities will give you all that extra strength needed to paddle into the waves and back into the line-up for another go.