Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

Our intermediate surfers made the journey to Geger Left this morning where they found excellent wet-season surfing conditions! Our swell has continued to drop in size today with the forecast reading 4.5 ft. at 13 seconds, coming from 205 degrees. The tide bottomed out this morning at -0.3 meters at 6:00 am, so our surfers left camp after breakfast. At Geger Left, our crew surfed the inside peak, where they enjoyed fun, head-high, left-breaking waves. The wind blew lightly offshore and the sun was shining!

Bali receives swell from a relatively small, but very active, swell window. The swells mostly come from 200 to 210 degrees, however, you do see swells with more south or west in them. Swell direction is important because it affects how the waves break across the reef. We use our understanding of swell directions at the camp to get you into the best waves.