Advanced surf guiding at Uluwatu


Advanced surf guiding at Uluwatu

The forecasted west wind backed off this morning so our intermediate and advanced surfers scored fun, rip-able, shoulder-season Uluwatu walls! The session started off with a textured sea state but cleaned up very nicely as the wind shifted to offshore from the east. Given the forecast, many surfers headed for Nusa Dua, leaving the line-up emptier than normal. The swell has dropped in size since yesterday to 3 ft. at 15 seconds from 231 degrees, and the waves were breaking about shoulder-high on the sets with the occasional overhead set of 4 or 5 excellent waves.

We have an unusual neap tide today, where the low tide stays higher than normal, and the high tide stays lower than normal. The setup for today is perfect for surfing in Bali, as the tide will remain within the optimal range for the entire day.