Beginners Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock
Our Beginner group was off to Mushroom Rock again where they tested their strength and courage in the challenging conditions. The swell was coming in at 5 ft. at 16 seconds from 215 degrees, and the wind was blowing moderately offshore. The waves breaking on the outside were in the overhead range while the inside offered waist to shoulder-high, slowly rolling waves. Our surfers chose to surf the less-crowded outside break where they tested their ability to get to their feet with stability and control.
Mushroom rock is a fun wet season wave for the beginner surfers when the swell is up as the west wind is blowing. When the wind blows strongly like today, it often blows offshore all day, keeping conditions good for beginners. On days like today, you can choose to surf the outside or inside section, depending on your ability and preferences.