Activity: Surf Lessons


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Our beginner surfers enjoyed a truly stunning morning out in the lineup! The waves were just the right size, the wind was blowing offshore, and the water was an inviting temperature. The surf was mostly in the shoulder-high range, with plenty of waves breaking both left and right. The rights offered a slow-moving, tapered wall to work with. The lefts required more speed to get down the line, yet the waves reformed nicely into extended rides.

The surfers focused on positioning their feet over the centerline of the surfboard, a critical element of the functional surfing stance. Once you are able to get your feet centred, your balance and control will improve dramatically.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Balangan

Today is a small wave day in Bali, but the session at Balangan was still plenty of fun! With warm water and beautiful scenery, going surfing is always worth the effort. This morning, the weather was mixed with cloud cover and shifting winds, yet the waves remained clean and organized. Our surfers hit the lineup as soon as there was enough tide over the reef. The waist-to-shoulder high surf broke in well-formed, tapered lines and at a good pace for surfers to find their balance and ride down the line.

There is always a wave somewhere on the Bukit Peninsula. When the surf drops in size, the more exposed breaks will still have fun waves.


Intermediate surf guiding at Padang Padang

Plenty of swell in the water at the moment, and certainly no shortage of action! Our beginner group surfed the protected waves at Baby Padang, while the intermediate and advanced group surfed the reefs near the airport. At Padang Padang, the waves were in the overhead range on the outside, and reforming nicely into waist-high waves on the inside. The wind was light offshore, and some cloud cover protected the surfers from the sun. The more skilful surfers waited for the bigger rights outside, which offered a friendly shoulder to ride. The less experienced rode the inside reform waves, which offered easy takeoffs and lengthy rides.

Lots of swell on the surf forecast! Much more to come!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

The beginner surfers had a lovely morning out at Padang Padang! The surfers relished in the moment of the early morning near-full moon, still visible in the early morning light. The waves were mostly in the shoulder-high range, with a few larger sets breaking farther outside. The wind was light offshore, and the ocean was smooth. The rights were moving at a slower pace than the lefts. However, the lefts reformed nicely into longer waves. It was a beautiful morning in the lineup and the perfect way to spend the morning while on holiday.

Lots of swell on the surf forecast for the next few days. Stay safe and know your limits.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Another day of excellnt surfing conditions. Beautiful mornings with great waves are a highlight of surfing in Bali in May. The large swell on the surf forecast had not yet arrived, leaving us with easy beginner surfing conditions. The surfers thoroughly enjoyed the offshore wind, clean wave faces, and long rides that Padang Padang offered. The surfers worked on their functional stance- keeping their bodies centred over the centre line of the surfboard and keeping one arm over each rail for stability.

The swell will be picking up in size today as this new, powerful swell fills in. If you are not out in the lineup yourself, it will be great to view from the cliff at Uluwatu at sunset.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Excellent surfing conditions this morning! Today was one of those days when everything lined up perfectly to deliver a wonderful morning of surfing. The waves were in the shoulder-high range, the ocean was smooth, and the wind was just light offshore. Mornings like these, when everything lines up perfectly, will lead to lasting improvements in your surfing. Maintaining a positive mindset and attentively following instructions from your instructor is key to making substantial progress during these opportune conditions.

May is one of our favourite months at the surf camp. You can count on many dreamy days just like this one during the month of May. See you out there!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Balangan

Smaller surf this morning but plenty of great beginner waves to go around! Our beginners paddled out to Padang Padang very early, beating the sunshine and the crowds. The surf has dropped to the waist-high range, with a few bigger sets for those waiting farthest out in the lineup. The wind was light offshore, and the surface of the ocean was very clean. Small and easy days like today are perfect for correcting your technique, as the waves are moving slower than they normally would.

A developing surf can progress much faster if they focus on the fundamentals. Learning how to paddle efficiently, the functional surfing stance, and the basics of turning are key concepts that you will learn when you surf with us.


Intermediate surf guiding at Padang Padang

We have a lot of swell today with big waves breaking across the Island. Our intermediate surfers paddled out to Padang Padang, where they found overhead, fun waves, breaking in much safer conditions. The wind was blowing lightly offshore, which is the desired wind direction for optimal surfing conditions. The rights were breaking at a nice pace for developing control and confidence in the bigger surf. The lefts were breaking faster, and provided long rides for those able to trim or pump their boards for speed down the line.

We are in the full swing of dry season conditions now. The water is starting to get cooler, the wind is blowing relaibly offshore everyday, and the swells are getting larger.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Our beginner surfers enjoyed a fun session at Padang Padang this morning! The surfers braved an early morning rain shower, and were rewarded with excellent surf. The waves have dropped in size since yesterday, with the biggest of set waves around head-high. The wind was blowing lightly offshore. The waves were clean and fun, and were breaking in clean, long lines. The waves were moving at just the right pace for beginner surfing, with the rights moving at a slower pace than the lefts.

The surfers worked on learning to ride the waves in the functional stance, which is the key to surfing progression. Surfing with the functional stance is the key to making progress as a surfer. See you in the line-up!