Ability Level: Advanced


Surf guiding, Bali, Impossible, Surf report

If you are experienced surfer our advanced surf guiding gives you opportunity to surf best waves on the some of the best spots in Bali and a whole World. This morning our advanced group made sure of that while surfing at Impossibles. Conditions just excellent today, light offshore wind and clean glassy waves shoulder high to head high and overhead high on sets. Great and super fun session!
Our intermediate group continued learn to surf at Toro Toro this morning. Perfect conditions with almost no wind, and clean waves. A bit smaller today, chest high to shoulder high.
Beginners enjoyed their surf lessons at Baby Padang this morning. Only our group on the spot at dawn and excellent waves for learning, waist high to chest high.

If you have been surfing consistently for several years and are comfortable surfing waves double-triple overhead in size as well as fast, shallow & hollow reef breaks, then our advanced surf guiding is for you.


Surf guiding, Bali, Uluwatu, Surf report

This morning our advanced group headed to Uluwatu at dawn. Conditions are clean today and almost no wind but the swell is still not big. Therefore, the waves this morning are chest high to shoulder high but on certain good sets can reach head high size or even overhead size. Still fun and enjoyable. Bali has a big variety of surf breaks and advanced surf guiding for experienced surfers is a good opportunity to surf the best waves in different locations of this amazing island. So after nutritious breakfast our advanced surfers head to Pandawa which is on the South part of the island to enjoy another great surfing session.

If you have been surfing consistently for several years and are comfortable surfing waves double-triple overhead in size as well as fast, shallow & hollow reef breaks, then our advanced surf guiding is for you.


Surf guiding, Bali, Uluwatu, Surf report

Surf guiding is perfect option for experienced surfers who wants to explore the best spots in Bali with excellent waves. So, this morning our Advanced group accompanied by one of our surf guides went to Uluwatu. Swell is bigger than yesterday and conditions are clean. Gentle offshore wind, glassy head high to overhead high waves and long left rides provided great surfing session.
Surf lessons for our intermediates and beginners took place this morning at Dreamland. Super fun atmosphere and chest high to shoulder high waves. What else is need for an amazing day?

Come to Bali’s premier surf camp and yoga resort and catch amazing waves with the best surf guides of the island.


Surf guiding, Bali, Uluwatu, Surf report

If you are an experienced surfer but you are not familiar with the characteristics of the spot, surf guiding is the best option for you to get all the information about the spot, eliminate unnecessary risk and enjoy your surfing maximally. This morning Advanced group accompanied by one of our surf guides had so much fun while surfing at Uluwatu. Conditions are clean this morning, gentle offshore wind and the waves shoulder high to head high or even overhead high on set. So exciting for everyone!

Come and have an excellent surf guiding on the best surf breaks in Bali. Do not hesitate to book now.


Surf lessons, Bali, Toro Toro, Surf report

Well, amazing Toro Toro still will not let us go. Beautiful sunrise and nice conditions, so both our groups surfed this morning here. Light wind and bigger swell has arrived hence the waves shoulder high to head high or overhead high on set, quite exiting and superfun, everyone enjoyed that. After such intense surfing session, banana pancakes and fresh juice for the breakfast is the best reward our surfers. Want to find yourself in this amazing place and try one of the best surfing experiences? Just check our webpage for booking


Surf Guiding, Bali, Green Bowl, Surf report

Advance group dawn patrolled to Green bowl early morning, were rewarded with excellent condition and great waves, everybody had fun rides and great morning session (see photos). Intermediate and beginner group surfed at Uluwatu this morning, chest to shoulder high, clean condition and great waves for learner, everybody had fun session. Swell size smaller than yesterday, sunny light, offshore winds.


Surf lessons, Bali, Uluwatu, Surf report

Uluwatu is certainly one of the world’s best surf breaks with many different peaks which all turn on at different tide stages and with very consistent waves. This morning our advanced group has satisfied that having surfing session at this amazing place.Conditions were excellent today with light breeze and glassy waves shoulder high to head high on set. Perfect, once again Uluwatu has confirmed its status.


Surf lessons, Bali, Green Bowl, Surf report

Just for an absolutely amazing sunrise at Green Bowl it is worth it to wake up early. This morning our advanced group has enjoyed both the beautiful sunrise and great surfing session. Swell size bigger than yesterday, so size of the waves were head high, over head on set. A bit bumpy and cross shore winds but still very enjoyable.
Our intermediates at the same time had a super fun surfing at Geger Left since the conditions were clean and waves were big enough for that – shoulder high to head high on set. Perfect morning for our surfers today.


Surf guiding, Bali, Pandawa, Surf report

Our advanced group surfed Pandawa at dawn this morning. The condition was clean with light offshore winds, size of the waves were shoulder to head high on sets. Lucky ones even could have got some barrels.
Intermediate surfers today enjoyed their sun rise while improving their surfing skills at Geger Left. Glassy waves were from hip to shoulder high. It was a beautiful and bright sunny day and everybody had an amazing surfing session.

We are experts in determining the best swells and tides to surf Pandawa. If you are not confident you know the best time and place so position yourself in the line up, come and join our surf guiding for intermediate and advanced surfers. We also offer private surf guiding