Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

This morning Baby Padang the waves are good and clean conditions, not many people in the water. Fifth day of surfing for the students and they are making fast progress with our instructor. Very good waves and excellent fun. They are happy and tired, looking forward to joining us again to build more experience.
This morning our highly experienced coach Koki took our beginner group to baby Padang for surf lessons. The conditions were perfect for leaning to surf. The waves were waist to head high. Only 8 people went out in the lineup. With Koki’s help, the students were soon catching green unbroken waves, and having excellent fun. It was an amazing day surfing and incredible progress to be riding green unbroken waves on only their third day surfing.
This morning our highly experienced coach Koki took our beginners group to Baby Padang for a solid introduction to the art of surfing. After some instruction on theory and practice, the guys were soon getting themselves into position. With Koki’s help were soon catching green unbroken waves. They had an excellent fun time! The condition were perfect for their first time in the water; excellent fun and the guys went away happy and tired, after their first surfing experience, but looking forward to joining us again to build upon their experience. Nothing compares to riding your first green waves.
The west coast has been blowing strong onshore winds and east coast has been the go to.
It’s been days since the last swell kicked in but it means more waves for beginner and intermediate surfers.
Geger Left was breaking knee to waist high, definitely suitable size for beginner and intermediate. The wind wasn’t so strong and skies were cloudy grey but it didn’t stop these 2 surfers having a small party wave, 2 meters away sticking to covid regulations of course!
Hopefully the next swell will be around the corner.
As all west coast is onshore and there’s no swell, Pandawa is crowded as there’s nowhere else to go in the bukit.
Waves were breaking knee to waist high with shoulder high sets. It’s a slow day so once a wave comes everyone seems to compete on catching them, a reminder to not be greedy and accidents also happen in the water!
Hopefully more swell on the way and sunny days ahead.
As the swell is full blowing around the island, our beginner group headed to Jimbaran where waves are very friendly.
Waves were breaking knee to waist high.
Our beginner group had a blast as seen on their faces, a great way to start the new year 2021.
We at Padang Padang Surf Camp wishes everyone a happy new year and Bali return to normal. Let’s fight this pandemic with smiles on our face whilst we out dancing on waves. Cheers to 2021
Our red and purple group headed to Geger Left again for a morning session.
The tide was still too low when we arrived so we waited for it to fill up and it was worth it.
The waves were mostly waist to shoulder high but some of the sets were up to head high. For the first 30 minutes the wind was on the channel and the right elevator were breaking, but as it got later the waves got better and cleaner.
As today is mother’s day in Indonesia, we encourage you guys who’s reading this to go out and surf with your momma’s and have fun!
Stay with us for two weeks or more and we’ll pay for your visa so check out our limited New Year availability or get in contact for more information.
Geger left also known as pura geger beach was a go to this morning since all the other spots in the bukit peninsula were howling with wind.
Waves were knee to waist high with fresh offshore wind, very suitable for intermediate and beginner’s surfing lesson.
It’s expected that tomorrow will have the same conditions as today.
Stay with us for two weeks or more and we’ll pay for your visa so check out our limited Christmas availability or get in contact for more information.