Ability Level: Intermediate


Intermediate surf guiding at Dreamland

We’re stoked to report that a fresh swell has rolled in, bringing with it calm winds and sunny skies! Our intermediate group had a blast catching the low-tide peaks at Dreamland this morning. The waves have increased in size, reaching head-high on the set waves, thanks to a new 4.5 ft. swell with a period of 16 seconds coming from 218 degrees. The offshore wind provided ideal conditions, resulting in a smooth ocean surface. Surfers were treated to lengthy, pristine rides all the way to the shore.

Dreamland truly shines as a low-tide break when the swell grows larger in conjunction with a morning low tide. It’s no wonder Dreamland is one of the surf camp’s most beloved waves.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Our intermediate surfers seized on the opportunity afforded to them with the dropping swell to paddle out through the iconic cave at Uluwatu this morning. The swell has backed off in size to 4 ft. at 13 seconds from 210 degrees, which is just enough for our intermediate surfers to surf the wave safely and enjoyably. The waves were in the shoulder-high range on most sets, with the occasional overhead and larger set wave coming through. The water was crystal clear, the wind blew ever so lightly offshore, and the waves were everything our surfers hoped for. The surfers worked on developing drive from their bottom turns, an essential skillset every surfer must master.

The forecast shows the swell continuing to drop for one more day, with small to moderate-sized swells present through the next week or so. Let’s go!


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Wonderful surfing conditions at the world’s most consistently excellent wave this morning! Crystal clear water, a light offshore breeze, and plenty of overhead sets with the occasional larger wave. The lines broke beautifully down the reef, providing dreamy open faces and the occasional barrel sections for skilled surfers. Our intermediate group enjoyed the taste of perfection, and many had some of the best waves of their lives. The forecast read 3.5 ft. at 12 seconds, which is enough for fun waves.

There is no better place in the world to be during the month of May than Uluwatu. The waves are world-class daily, the weather is serene, and the island is as magical as it ever has been. Under the careful guidance of our knowledgeable instructors, we can guide you into waves just like these.


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

5-star surfing conditions all across the Uluwatu Area! Our intermediate surfers enjoyed perfect, peeling lines at Balangan this morning. Offshore wind, head-high surf, and long lines! Mornings like these are precisely why surfers across the globe travel to this small island. The forecast read 4 ft. At 14 seconds from 211 degrees, which brought in consistent head-high set waves. The lines broke perfectly across the reef, held up by the offshore wind. The surfers worked on slowing down their body movements to better understand what the waves were doing given the ideal conditions.

May is an excellent month for surfing in the Uluwatu area! The swell is generally smaller in size, and the tradewind has not fully kicked in, which is the perfect blend for improving as an intermediate surfer. The forecast is looking excellent; see you out in the line-up!


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

Our intermediate surfers set off to Balangan this morning, where they enjoyed excellent tropical surf in a stunningly beautiful location! The swell has continued to taper in size since yesterday, with the forecast reading 4 ft. at 13 seconds from 213 degrees. The waves broke around shoulder high on the sets, with occasional larger sets coming through. The wind blew offshore for the duration of the session, and the wave faces were as clean as they were blue. We waited till after breakfast for the tide to come up enough to cover the reef with this morning’s low tide of .8 meters at 6:30 AM (Benoa).

The surfers worked on improving the speed of their pop-ups and optimizing where their feet were placed on the surfboard. These are essential skills that a surfer must master before they can progress.


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

With a quickly rising tide and a dropping swell, Balangan was the break of choice for our intermediate surfers. The surfers enjoyed classic dry-season lines running down the reef at an intermediate-friendly pace. The swell has continued to drop in size since the peak of the swell yesterday morning, coming in at 4.5 ft. at 13 seconds from 213 degrees. The waves were in the head-high + range with a few standout sets left over from the swell’s peak. The surfers enjoyed long rides and came home smiling and ready for lunch!

Balagan is a beautiful long reef with many sections ideal for intermediate surfers on a high tide. The multiple sections spread out the surfers; and the characteristics of the wave allow the surfer more time to get up and moving before it’s too late.


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

With the large swell from a few days ago fading away and a quickly rising tide, our intermediate surfers headed to Balangan, which is an excellent wave for intermediates when the tide is high and the swell small or moderate in size. At Balagan, our surfers found fun, shoulder-high lines set amongst a light side shore breeze and sunshine. The swell came in at 5 ft. at 12 seconds from 200 degrees, and the morning’s high tide reached 2.4 meters at 10:00 AM. The surfers enjoyed the long left-breaking waves (and even some rights!) and worked on reducing the time it takes to gain control of the surfboard after a pop-up.

The dry season is well underway with the first big swell of the year in the books. The long-range forecast looks excellent for all levels of surfers!


Intermediate surf guiding at Black Stone

With the persistent wind from the west continuing to blow, our intermediate surfers set off to Black Stone this morning in search of fun waves. At Blackstone, the surfers found fun, waist to shoulder-high left-breaking waves running along the reef, brought in by a swell of 4.5 ft. from 13 seconds, coming from 221 degrees. The wind was blowing moderately cross-shore against the waves however the faces of the waves were clean enough for long rides across the reef. The surfers worked on correcting mistakes with their stance as they gain control of the surfboard after the pop-up.

As a beginner or low intermediate, developing the habit of surfing in the functional position is how you build your foundation for an effective stance. You can reach your surfing goals with your feet in the correct position and your weight properly distributed.


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

It was a beautiful, clear morning in the Nusa Dua area! Our intermediate group decided to paddle out to the clean peaks at Geger Left. The surfers found small but enjoyable waves amidst a clean offshore breeze which kept the conditions fun. The waves were in the waist-high range with the occasional larger sets, brought in by a swell of 3.5 ft. at 16 seconds, coming from 205 degrees. The waves were smaller than expected given the long-period swell, however the conditions were smooth so all could get fun rides. The surfers worked on trimming their boards down the line and identifying when to do a cutback and when to pump for more speed.

It is unusual to be surfing so much in Nusa Dua in April. Generally, you can count on the wind to be light and variable, opening up all parts of the island for surfing.