Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left
Our intermediate surfers paddled-out at Geger Left this morning where they found pumping surf at one of Bali’s most scenic locations. The swell has continued to drop, coming in at 4.0 ft. at 12 seconds, however there were plenty of overhead set waves coming in at the more exposed end of the reef. Our surfers scored fast lines amongst an offshore breeze that has finally begun to ease in its persistence. The surfers worked on improving the speed at which they pop up, and setting their fins into the wave to generate drive.
Geger Left is an excellent wave for an improving surfer looking to gain experience at exposed reefbreaks. At Geger, there are three main peaks which grow in size the farther they are away from the reef. A developing surfer can start at the smallest peak, then work their way up to the larger peaks.