Ability Level: Intermediate


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Surfing Uluwatu is on almost everyone’s bucket list when coming to Bali. Its famous left, perfectly breaking waves attract many people from all over the world. Uluwatu has waves for every surf level. Most and foremost advanced surfers are dominating the peaks, but when it is smaller, intermediate surfers also catch their waves.

This southerly exposed reef break gets a lot of swells and the waves hit the reef from deep water. This makes the waves powerful and fast-breaking. It can take some time to get used to the line-up and the different peaks, but once you do, it will be one of your favorite surf spots for sure. And if you are lucky, you might share the line-up with some of the best surfers in the world.


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

We are blessed to have so many great surf spots just a couple of minutes away from our camp. No matter what tide, wind direction, or swell size, there is always a fun wave to find. This afternoon, Balangan was the best choice to go. Offshore wind conditions shaped the waves perfectly.

Surfing with such a strong offshore wind can be difficult at first. The wind holds you back when paddling and often more commitment is required. Keeping the eyes open when catching waves is easier said than done. But once on the wave, you will be flying down the line. A great feeling that makes you want to catch more of those waves!


Intermediate surf guiding at Toro Toro

What a great session this morning! Fun looking, shoulder to head-high waves were breaking perfectly over the reef at Toro-Toro. The A-Frame gives you a choice of going left or right and it helps to spread out the crowd a little.

This is a wave for everybody. Beginner, intermediate or advanced surfers, everyone can have fun out there. On big days it’s a very popular spot since the size of the waves doesn’t get too big and is still “user friendly” to ride. A great wave to start surfing outer reef breaks. The boat ride makes going there special and adds an adventurous touch to it. We highly recommend trying this surf spot, you will not forget the experience!


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

When it comes to consistency, Uluwatu is hard to beat. The clean, long left-handers are peeling perfectly over the beautiful reef. Catching a wave here can be difficult due to the crowd, but once you get one, you most likely will remember it as one of the best rides you ever had.

On a day like today, with a medium-size swell this spot offers waves for almost every surf level. Intermediate and advanced surfers will have the most fun on a mid-tide. The many sections and peaks made the crowd split up a little and you can find the best suitable spot to catch waves for your ability. Professional guidance helps you find those spots and teaches you how to choose the best waves. Once you get to know Uluwatu and know how to surf it, it will be one of your favorite surf spots for sure.


Intermediate surf guiding at Dreamland

This beach is called “Dreamland” for a number of reasons. White sand, blue water, and great waves! This is a combination that is hard to beat. The surf spot offers plenty of waves for almost every surf level. Also for non-surfing beach goers, it is worth checking out.

On smaller days, beginner surfers can ride unbroken green waves while on bigger days, like today, the more advanced surfers will have a lot of fun. The user-friendly take-off and drop invite you to commit to paddling for bigger waves than you usually would. This is a wave where you can test your limits and see how big you can go. Enjoy the waves, the wipeouts, and the ice-cold coconut after the surf!


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

Great waves this morning at Balangan! Shoulder to head-high sets came consistently and the offshore breeze made the waves stay open all the way to the inside. Long, clean rides are what you come for in Balangan.

The blue, crystal clear water and white sand beach make this place look even more breathtaking. This is one of our favorite surf spots and beaches to hang out. Intermediate surfers can get a taste of what it is like to surf more challenging waves while advanced surfers can really use different sections of the wave to practice turns and the occasional barrel ride.


Intermediate surf guiding at Dreamland

The new swell has arrived and everyone is stoked to surf bigger waves again! From Uluwatu to Airports, the waves were on fire. On a swell like today, Uluwatu often is too big for the majority of surfers, but other spots like Impossibles, Balangan, and Dreamland come to life.

Dreamland is perfect on a bigger day and lower tide. The left-hander is suitable for intermediate to advanced surfers who don’t mind surfing in more challenging conditions. Even though some of the sets are bigger than you might think, the power of the wave is still manageable. The season has now changed and we are blessed with offshore-wind conditions all day long. So get your surf gear ready and we see you in the line-up!


Intermediate surf guiding at Greenbowl

Wow, what an amazing start to the day this was this morning! Perfect, light offshore wind conditions and head-high sets were on offer at Green Bowl. Due to the slightly bigger swell, not many people were out in the line-up. We made the right decision going there and everyone scored great waves!

This beach is surrounded by stunning nature, the white sand beach and high cliffs are gorgeous to look at. The two caves, close to the ocean, provide a very welcoming place to cool off when it gets too hot on the beach. From there you have the perfect view of the waves and can watch surfers get the rides of their lives. If Green Bowl is not yet on your bucket list, it is time to put it on there!


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

The waves were great this morning at Uluwatu! Glassy, super clean conditions, and a light crowd. made it very enjoyable in the early hours. Surfing this spot is always a challenge. Not only to read the waves properly but also to navigate the line-up. You need to put some time and effort in to really get to know the many peaks Uluwatu has.

A professional guide can help you with that. Positioning is key and knowing which wave will break best can be hard at first. This is all part of the learning experience, with enough time and the right guidance though, this is no problem at all. Once you figure out the wave, you really get the most out of your surf sessions. Even though it can get very busy, one or two great waves at Uluwatu can make your day!