Ability Level: Intermediate


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

What a great late-morning surf session today! Nusa Dua lived up to it’s expectations and offshore wind conditions made the waves perfect. Long, clean faces of the waves offered plenty of opportunities for airs, big turns and even some barrels.

With a bigger swell arriving tomorrow and a change of wind direction on Tuesday, the whole next week looks very promising.


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

A medium size swell from the south and wind from the west are good indicators, that the east coast is the place to go today. Nusa Dua is known for it’s clean water, white sand beaches and long perfect waves. With a gentle to moderate offshore wind blowing, the left breaking wave at Geger was the perfect choice.

Clean walls and steep sections of the wave offered great opportunities for big turns and the occasional air. Steep, fast take-offs and en even faster inside section make this wave so fun, but challenging to ride. With consistent, shoulder- to head high sets, every surfer out in the line-up got enough waves to be stoked for the rest of the day.


Intermediate surf guiding at Pandawa

A small, low periodic swell made us go down to the south of the Bukit again. This well-known spot is a swell magnet and even with the westerly wind blowing, there were plenty of clean faces to ride.

Occasionally some overhead sets cleaned up the line-up and made it difficult to paddle back out. Given the strong side current, conditions were challenging but worth the paddle once you were on a wave.


Intermediate surf guiding at Pandawa

With the swell dropping today, it is time again for the southerly Bukit. Catching a lot of swell, this spot hardly ever disappoints. Fun, juicy lefts are peeling over this reef and a wide channel helps you to get back in the line-up with no hassle.

On small to medium sized days, this wave offers challenging but user-friendly rides while on bigger days it transforms into a heavy wall of water – for experts only!

While most people come here for surfing, the white sand beach and many warungs make this spot a famous tourist attraction.


Intermediate surf guiding at Nikko

The promising forecast for Uluwatu today let us down and we decided to check out Nusa Dua which favors westerly winds. We were greeted by shoulder high offshore conditions!
Fun righthanders run over this reef section and when the tide is low you can get some of the best barrels Bali has to offer. Today there were no barrels to snatch but it was super fun and not too crowded which made this trip to the east coast totally worth it.


Intermediate surf guiding at Nyang Nyang

The small days are almost over and a new bigger swell is finally on the horizon. Still, it hasn’t yet arrived and so we ventured down to Nyang Nyang where we had plenty of nice looking A-frames on offer. Consistently incoming sets made everyone getting enough rides to practice snaps and cut-backs.

Rainy season has it’s good sides since you don’t always need to wake up early to score clean waves. Very light winds and cloudy weather are ideal for surfing into the late mornings, avoiding the early bird crowd. The conditions late in the afternoon are often glassy and perfect for a sunset session.



Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Light winds and head high waves this morning, but there was a squall overnight, which disrupted the waves and made conditions challenging. There were some good rides to be had, but quite difficult conditions, and a change from normal clean conditions. We decided to have a quick surf as always good to get wet. The forecast says the wind will change direction, so we will see how it looks after the tide turns, and maybe go back to Uluwatu for 2nd session, or take a trip over to the East coast for some Nusa Dua action.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Sunny and new swell this morning, but the wind was onshore at Uluwatu. We did consider going over to the east coast, but the wave quality was quite good at Ulu’s, and not many people at start of the session. 1 long ride at Uluwatu is enough to make a great surf session, and there were a few 300 metre rides peeling to the end of the race track. An advantage of onshore conditions is that the hot local surfers generally do not bother, and today it was mostly intermediate surfers. 1 tip for these conditions: don’t take the first wave in the set as that is the bumpiest. The secondary waves in the set will be cleaner due to the first wave breaking up the chop.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Perfect surfing conditions again here in Bali, with a light offshore wind and blue skies. The swell is quite small today and just 2 people out surfing baby Padang. Just around the corner at Uluwatu, the waves were head high, and perfect for intermediate surfers. Long rides, clean waves not too powerful or fast and enough water on reef, gives intermediate surfers perfect opportunity to improve their surfing. Not having to wear a wetsuit improves the quality of the experience, and also makes surfing easier.