Ability Level: Intermediate


Intermediate surf guiding at Dreamland

What a morning we had at the surf camp’s favourite low tide wave- Dreamland. The A-frame peak delivered the goods, serving long, fast, lefts with the rights moving along just a little slower. The waves were very clean, and the wind was blowing offshore! The swell has dropped just enough in size and consistency since yesterday to allow our intermediate surfers to challenge themselves in overhead + sized waves.

The surfers worked on building confidence when dropping into bigger waves, something that is more easily done under the watchful eye and careful guidance of our surf instructors. Known for their endless positivity and magnetic personalities, our surf instructors are the guys who will make sure you have a memorable session and that you are on the best waves.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Another excellent morning in surfing paradise! We have a fresh swell, which has increased the size and consistency of the surf! Our surfers enjoyed overhead + waves with a few larger sets. Our intermediate surfers picked off the smaller in-between waves, while the advanced surfers went for the bombs. The conditions in the morning were clean, with a wind from the west picking up towards the end of the session. Despite the grey morning, everyone got some excellent rides and gained experience surfing a proper reef break.

We are approaching that time of year when we begin to shift the breaks we surf. Starting soon, we will swap Uluwatu with Chicken Wings and Geger Left, and Padang Padang with Mushroom Rock. As always in Bali, it is forever offshore somewhere.


Intermediate surf guiding at Dreamland

Flawless surf at Dreamland this morning! The A-frame peak delivered the goods with long, glassy lines coming in at a consistent interval. The swell has dropped since yesterday, but we are still seeing overhead waves, with a few larger ones left over from yesterday. The lefts were long, fast, smooth, and enjoyable. And the rights were slower and shorter with big cutback sections- perfect for dialling in your cutback technique.

The waves today were the perfect size for our intermediate surfers to make lasting improvements in their surfing. The surfers worked on riding the waves with their body (and feet) positioned correctly over the surfboard, which allows a surfer to efficiently control their speed by shifting their weight distribution forwards and backwards while maintaining the functional stance. More perfect days incoming!


Intermediate surf guiding at Balangan

We have some chunky waves this morning! Our surfers enjoyed the exhilarating surf at the very picturesque Balangan. The surfers mostly stuck to the head-high waves and paddled past the few larger set waves that came in. The wind was blowing offshore at the onset of the session, however, it changed directions towards the end of the surf. The smaller waves offered fun fast and slow sections. Some long rides were on offer for surfers able to read and react to the sections.

The surfers worked on reading the oncoming sections of a wave, which a surfer uses to match their pace to that of the wave. Knowing when to speed and up and slow down is extremely helpful for turning an average ride to into a leg-burning ride of a holiday.


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

We are back at Geger Left for the first time this season! The surf has dropped in size since yesterday, with up to head-high waves coming in at the more exposed peaks. The surfers enjoyed zippy left-breaking waves, and even a few rights. The sea state was slightly textured, but the conditions were still fun and the wave faces were smooth. The surfers worked on getting to their feet quicker in the steeper waves, learning to anticipate when to initiate their pop-up on more vertical take-offs.

You can see lots of improvements underway at this wet season staple. A new parking lot, new warungs, and restrooms will improve surfers’ experiences at the scenic surf location. Bali is growing up and it will be interesting to see the progress.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Small wave fun at Uluwatu this morning! The swell has dropped in size and consistency since yesterday, but there were plenty of enjoyable rides and beautiful conditions. Our intermediate surfers enjoyed the head-high set waves, complemented by clear water, a light offshore breeze, and a smooth ocean. The surfers used this experience to grow their confidence when surfing over reef breaks, aided by the expert guidance of Bali’s best surf instructors. A few surfers were able to connect long rides down the reef.

Uluwatu is a magical wave, and the perfect wave at the right size from intermediate surfers all the way up to top pros. Intermediate surfers can challenge themselves or pick the right sized day, while advanced surfers can surf it as big and as challenging as they like.


Intermediate surf guiding at Dreamland

A fun day of waves today! Our intermediate surfers had a wonderful time surfing the sandy-bottomed peaks at Dreamland! The surfers rose bright and early and were one of the first ones to the lineup. Everyone enjoyed the mostly head-high, intermediate-friendly waves, and all made lasting progress. The wind was calm to light offshore, and the ocean was smooth. The morning fog burned off mid-session.

Dreamland is a great next step for a developing surfer who is graduating beyond the slow-rolling peaks of Padang Padang. The wave is a step more difficult than Padang Padang, and there is no easy channel. The wave is surfed at the opposite tide from Padang Padang, which means that if a surfer can handle Dreamland, they have somewhere to surf on any tide.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Small wave fun at Uluwatu this morning! The swell has dropped off in size and consistency, leaving us with playful head-high surf at the iconic surfing venue. Today was a great day for surfers with lower levels of experience to have a go at surfing the long left-handers that the wave is so famous for. Most of the waves were in the head-high range, with a few overhead set waves thrown in the mix. The surface of the ocean was calm, the water was clear, and the wind was light offshore. The more advanced surfers were able to connect long rides down the Racetrack, while the more intermediate surfers were able to get a few smaller waves.

A new swell is bringing us overhead surf tomorrow. See you out there!


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Another excellent day at Bali’s best wave! While today may have been a “between swells” day, Uluwatu still delivered the goods. It is truly remarkable how good this wave is day in, day out. This morning, our surfers paddled through the iconic cave into glassy, head-high to overhead peaks. The offshore wind picked up as the sun rose higher in the sky. The surfers enjoyed the long rides, and the variation in wave size served up a perfect wave for every surfer.

Uluwatu is the world’s most consistent wave and the reason why so many travelling surfers come to Bali. For nine months out of the year, you can count on at least head-high, lined-up waves with no wind or offshore wind. Now is a great time to surf in Bali.