Bali Surf Report and Surf Forecast


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Today was a good day to test our student’s capabilities and see how much of the things they learned are still remembered. Since the swell was picking up today, more surfers were drawn to Padang Padang and everyone wanted to get a piece of the pie. Knowing how to handle your surfboard in the line-up and how to navigate through it, is an important part!

Having a landmark on the beach is key to staying in the right position to catch the best waves. Even though it can be difficult to catch waves with this many people out, with the guidance of our professional surf guides, it won’t be a problem! Great waves like today are always exciting and fun. Especially when they are breaking perfectly in crystal clear water.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Geger Left

We decided to go to Nusa Dua again today, because of the western wind. Offshore, head-high surf conditions greeted us and put a smile on our faces. The left-handers were our favored choice, perfectly shaped peaks and clean walls attracted more than just a handful of surfers. With the professional knowledge and experience of our guides, we were able to catch many waves nonetheless.

This is the next step in an intermediate surfers career. The waves here are more powerful and faster than the waves where you start learning. You will be surprised how it feels to surf down the line with that much speed. It’s fun and thrilling! Many people get addicted to that feeling, the rush, and adrenaline you have after successfully completing the ride of your life.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Balangan

Surfing different waves is a crucial learning experience. It will help you adapt to all kinds of surf conditions and you get to know how different surf breaks work and how to pick the best waves. It is also important to know why the waves are breaking differently on some days, and what conditions are not good for certain surf spots.

Today, the swell was dropping again and we decided to surf at one of the most beautiful beaches in Bali. Balangan is well known for its white sand beach and clear water, but also for its great waves! On small days and high tides, the waves are perfect for beginners and intermediates who want to try something new. It is an amazing place to spend a day surfing. Fresh, ice-cold coconuts are waiting for you after a successful session.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Transitioning from a soft- to hard board is a big step in your early surfing career. It is very important to make the right board choice. Otherwise, it can be difficult to progress if the equipment is not suitable for your surfing skills. Professional advice from our surf guides will help you find the right size and volume for your next surfboard.

Trying a new board is always exciting. It feels different and much more precise when doing turns on the wave. Once switched to a hard board, you don’t want to go back. From here on it is only going forward and you will progress further every time you go out and catch waves. This is when the fun really begins!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang 

Having the right surf conditions, equipment and guidance is key to a successful start of your surfing career. There is no doubt that this wave is one of the best in the world to learn how to surf. The gently breaking peaks are perfect for catching the first green, or unbroken waves.

Bali is well known for its consistency and great surfing conditions year-round. If you want to get the most out of your holiday and improve as much as possible, then Padang Padang is the place to go. Surf as much as you can and enjoy the beautiful nature around this beach. This wave is putting a smile on every surfer’s face!


Intermediate surf guiding at Nyang Nyang 

The south of the Bukit was the place to go today. Nyang-Nyang is the preferred choice for many surfers on smaller days. The low periodic swell was perfect for the exposed surf spot. The right-hander was peeling perfectly over the reef and many incoming sets made it easy for everyone to catch waves.

Intermediate or expert surfer, this spot has something for everyone. Even if you don’t surf, the beach and scenery are breathtaking. Crystal clear water and colorful fish await you in the line-up as well as perfectly shaped A-frames. The ice-cold coconut after the session is just the right thing to stay hydrated after a great morning surf.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Happy faces can be seen all over Bali today. The sunny weather draws many surfers out in the open to check the waves early in the morning. A smaller but still consistent swell was delivering shoulder to head-high sets at Uluwatu. Rippable, very enjoyable waves were breaking all morning long.

A surfing contest in Kuta thinned out the crowd the last couple of days. Many of the local surfers, professionals, and amateurs are participating there and leave us more opportunities to catch waves at Uluwatu. It’s amazing when you see professional surfers live in the water, but it is even better to surf uncrowded waves yourself!


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Nice swell lines were on the horizon today and Uluwatu was shoulder to head high this morning. Although the conditions were not perfectly clean, the waves had good shape and were peeling over the reef nicely. The moderate crowd made it easy to catch waves and everyone out in the line-up was happy.

Waking up with sunny weather, great waves and clear water is a boost to everyone’s mood. The end of the rainy season is around the corner and we are looking forward to the first big south swell. Usually, March is a good month for both sides of the Bukit, the west and east coast. Light winds and higher period swells give plenty of surf spot options to choose from.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

When it comes to consistency, Uluwatu is hard to beat. Surely the best months are from May to September, when the waves are perfect nearly every day with off-shore wind conditions, but also in the rainy season, it is one of the best surf spots in Bali. It may depend on your personal preference what you see as perfect waves, it is clear though that Uluwatu offers great waves for everyone.

As an intermediate surfer, this wave gives you an opportunity to challenge yourself and to improve your surfing skills dramatically. An advanced surfer may want to wait for the bigger sets and let you have the smaller, more user-friendly waves. Today was an exemplary day of the many faces Uluwatu can show. Head-high waves with occasionally bigger sets offered rides for all levels out there. With the right guidance and knowledge, you can pick the most suitable waves for you and your surfing level.