Geger Left Surf Report and Spot Info


Beginner Surf Lessons at Geger Left

What a beautiful sunny day with excellent surf conditions on the east side of the Bukit. Shoulder to head high waves were breaking perfectly to the left. The water was so clear that you could look right through the waves, and watch the colorful fish swimming underneath your surfboard.

Days like this are magical and it is what people get addicted to. Great waves, amazing nature, and friendly company! Surfing uncrowded waves is a dream, and there is nothing better than seeing your friends cheer for you when you catch the wave of the day. Surf trips like this are a wonderful experience and memories will last a lifetime.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Geger Left

We decided to go to Nusa Dua again today, because of the western wind. Offshore, head-high surf conditions greeted us and put a smile on our faces. The left-handers were our favored choice, perfectly shaped peaks and clean walls attracted more than just a handful of surfers. With the professional knowledge and experience of our guides, we were able to catch many waves nonetheless.

This is the next step in an intermediate surfers career. The waves here are more powerful and faster than the waves where you start learning. You will be surprised how it feels to surf down the line with that much speed. It’s fun and thrilling! Many people get addicted to that feeling, the rush, and adrenaline you have after successfully completing the ride of your life.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Geger Left

A big part of surfing is to explore new surf spots and find opportunities to score the best wave of your life. Every day is different and you never know exactly how the session will turn out. But with the right knowledge and expertise of professional surf guides, you can be sure to find the best conditions for your surfing level.

Nusa Dua was great today due to the offshore wind conditions and clean shoulder high waves. It is the perfect location to start surfing the more challenging reef breaks of Bali. Consistently breaking sets and a small crowd made the wave choice easy, and everyone got their wave of the day.


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

What a great late-morning surf session today! Nusa Dua lived up to it’s expectations and offshore wind conditions made the waves perfect. Long, clean faces of the waves offered plenty of opportunities for airs, big turns and even some barrels.

With a bigger swell arriving tomorrow and a change of wind direction on Tuesday, the whole next week looks very promising.


Intermediate surf guiding at Geger Left

A medium size swell from the south and wind from the west are good indicators, that the east coast is the place to go today. Nusa Dua is known for it’s clean water, white sand beaches and long perfect waves. With a gentle to moderate offshore wind blowing, the left breaking wave at Geger was the perfect choice.

Clean walls and steep sections of the wave offered great opportunities for big turns and the occasional air. Steep, fast take-offs and en even faster inside section make this wave so fun, but challenging to ride. With consistent, shoulder- to head high sets, every surfer out in the line-up got enough waves to be stoked for the rest of the day.


Beginner and Intermediate Surf Lesson at Geger Left, Bali

The west coast has been blowing strong onshore winds and east coast has been the go to.

It’s been days since the last swell kicked in but it means more waves for beginner and intermediate surfers.

Geger Left was breaking knee to waist high, definitely suitable size for beginner and intermediate. The wind wasn’t so strong and skies were cloudy grey but it didn’t stop these 2 surfers having a small party wave, 2 meters away sticking to covid regulations of course!

Hopefully the next swell will be around the corner.


Intermediate Surf Guiding at Geger Left, Bali

The swell has tune down since yesterday but left some mark behind with overhead to double overhead sets!

Our intermediate group went for a morning session where conditions were glassy gentle offshore and as the tide went out wind turned to light cross-shore.

Same conditions are expected tomorrow but smaller in the east coast.

Stay with us for two weeks or more and we’ll pay for your visa so check out our limited New Year availability or get in contact for more information.


Surf Lesson and Surf Guiding at Geger Left, Bali

Our red and purple group headed to Geger Left again for a morning session.

The tide was still too low when we arrived so we waited for it to fill up and it was worth it.

The waves were mostly waist to shoulder high but some of the sets were up to head high.  For the first 30 minutes the wind was on the channel and the right elevator were breaking, but as it got later the waves got better and cleaner.

As today is mother’s day in Indonesia, we encourage you guys who’s reading this to go out and surf with your momma’s and have fun!

Stay with us for two weeks or more and we’ll pay for your visa so check out our limited New Year availability or get in contact for more information.