Padang Padang Surf Report and Spot Info


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Padang Padang was perfect for our beginner and intermediate surfers this morning with long lefts and rights. Waist high, head high on the sets (see photos). After their lunch at camp they will surf Padang Padang again. The advanced team will surf Bingin later this afternoon. A little rainy, light offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Our beginner and intermediate surfers had a fantastic surf this morning at Padang Padang. Lots of fun rides, waist high, chest high on sets (see photos). We will go back for a sunset session later today. Advanced surfers were at Uluwatu, uncrowded, clean and overhead on the sets. Sunny, light offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Beginner and intermediate surfers dawn patrolled Padang Padang today. Everyone had fun rides and they had the waves to themselves! Sets were waist high, chest high (see photos). The advanced team also dawn patrolled at Uluwatu. They had lots of rides, head high, over head on sets. Another beautiful sunny day, light offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

A great range of waves suitable for all the beginner and intermediate surfers today at Padang Padang. All the guests were happy with their rides. The sets were shoulder high to head high (see photos). After our lunch at camp we will return to Padang Padang for our second session. Partially sunny, offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Beginner and intermediate surfers had long rides at Padang Padang this morning. The sets were chest high to shoulder high (see photos). After refreshments on the beach they will return to the water for their second session. The advanced group will surf Uluwatu later today. A sunny morning, light offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Beginner group surfed Padang Padang this morning, chest high, head high on sets, long left rides and clean waves with no crowds. Beginner group will go back to Padang Padang again after lunch for second session. Advanced group surfed at Uluwatu this morning over head on sets, long fast rides. Sunny, light offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf Report

We all had fun long lefts and rights in the beginner and intermediate group at Padang Padang early this morning. No one else in the water, clean and chest high on the sets (see photos). After our breakfast we will return to Padang Padang. Advanced group will be surfing Bingin later today. Rainy, offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

All the beginner and intermediate surfers had fantastic long rides at Padang Padang this morning. Shoulder high on the sets (see photos). After their breakfast they will go to Padang Padang for a second session. Advanced surfers will be at Uluwatu this afternoon. The morning was a little rainy, light offshore winds.


Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Beginner and intermediate surfers really enjoyed their morning session at Padang Padang. Clean, chest to shoulder high sets (see photos). After breakfast at camp they will return to Padang Padang. Advanced group surfed Uluwatu at dawn on high tide. Everyone had good rides and only six others in the water. Double overhead on the sets. Sunny, light offshore winds.