Padang Padang Surf Report and Spot Info


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

The swell was picking up today and this draws surfers from all over Bali down to Uluwatu and Padang Padang for the weekend. On a sunny Sunday morning with very light wind, it is highly recommended to spend time in the ocean catching waves. Surfing is not only fun but can also help you relax and clear your head. There isn’t much else to think about when you are standing on the surfboard, riding along the waves.

When you start your surfing career, being out in the water with other surfers can be intimidating. It is important to know how to handle the surfboard correctly and what to do in certain situations. A great instructor will help you find the confidence you need to navigate your way through the line-up, and to be able to catch the waves you want.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Progress comes from practice and dedication to push yourself further every session. In surfing, it is not only the technique you will improve, but also your knowledge about the ocean and your wave reading skills. Every time you paddle out and catch waves you will improve a little more.

After mastering the pop-up, it is time to start turning the board and surf the wave in one direction. At the surf spot “Baby Padang”, the wave breaks perfectly in both directions and you can choose if you want to go left or right. Learning how to turn the surfboard is a crucial step to becoming an intermediate surfer. Once you are able to do this, surfing will be even more fun!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

When learning how to surf, not only do you need to know how to catch the waves and stand up on the surfboard, but also how to read the ocean. Knowing where to safely paddle out and back to the beach is a crucial aspect of having fun surfing. With guidance and practice, you get to know what to look out for and how to read the waves properly.

In Padang Padang, all these things can be learned perfectly. This wave offers everything you need to get from a beginner to an intermediate surf level. It consistently delivers user-friendly waves to practice pop-ups and turns. Due to its wide channel, it is easy to paddle out and you can get some rest before catching the next wave.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Riding your first green waves is something special! The feeling of surfing along the waves will never be forgotten. Some say it’s like being on a cloud, so smooth and soft that it almost feels like flying. Hard to imagine if you never tried surfing before, but easy to find out what it’s really like.

With the right guidance, equipment and surf conditions you can experience this feeling first-hand in a safe and fun environment. Baby Padang is perfect for this because of its user-friendly waves. Paddling can be hard work in the beginning, but it is totally worth it once you stand up on the surfboard and ride the waves as long as you can.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

There is little doubt that this wave is one of the best learning grounds to improve your surfing level. A gently breaking peak, like this one, is perfect for practising your first turns on a green wave. Even though it was a bit choppy due to the stormy weather last night, the incoming waves were enjoyable all the way to the beach.

Learning how to surf is not only about learning the right technique, but also getting to know the ocean, its waves and even yourself. In the first session in the line-up, catching green waves will show you how fit you are and how far you can push your limits, in a safe and fun way.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Catching your first green wave is an experience you will never forget. The moment you stand up on the board and drop down the clean face of the wave, you just focus on the here and now. The feeling you get back up on your board after the longest ride of your life is even better.

A big south swell is expected to arrive today and although most of the surf spots in the Bukit will be quite big, this one right here still offers the perfect learning conditions due to its sheltered location.
Bali has many great surf spots for beginners where you can have your first experiences like this, but here at Baby Padang, it is one of the best if not the best!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

With a slightly bigger swell and no wind at all, the waves were perfectly clean this morning at Baby Padang. This wave is an excellent playground for beginner and intermediate surfers who want to improve their surfing skills. Not only can you catch your first “green” or unbroken wave here, but also enjoy the nature and scenery around the cove.

Although this wave is mostly occupied by beginner and intermediate surfers, on bigger days you should not underestimate the power of the currents. A deep channel helps you to get out to the line-up fast, but also can make you paddle a lot more than usual.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Our 2 guests from Jakarta had a great surfing experience at Padang Padang this morning. It was their first ever time surfing and they both got up on the board. Only 1 other person in the water at start of the session, but we were joined by a few more later in the morning. Swell size has dropped since yesterday and was good size for beginner and intermediate surfers. Hot, sunny with light winds.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

This morning the Baby Padang waves are smaller than yesterday and the condition is clean. There were about 5 surfers out today and it was very quiet. First day of surfing for the students and they made great progress with our instructors. Very nice waves and lots of fun. They are happy and tired, looking forward to joining us again to build more experiences.