Padang Padang Surf Report and Spot Info


Beginner Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

This morning our beginners made the short journey down to our local break at Padang Padang for their morning group and private surfing lessons..

The wind resulted in the waves not being as perfectly clean as they often are but conditions — breaking softly around knee-high — were still excellent for learning, as you can see from the great rides in today’s gallery.

After a fun and rewarding session, our beginners headed back to camp to refuel before another session back at Padang Padang later in the morning.



Beginner Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

This morning our beginner group made the short journey of less than 1km to our local beach at Padang Padang for their group and semi-private surfing lessons.

The wind resulted in the waves not being as perfectly clean as they often are but conditions — breaking softly around knee-high — were still excellent for learning, as you can see from the great rides in today’s gallery.

Elsewhere at the surf camp, our advanced group surfed at Uluwatu for both sessions while the intermediate group started their day at Toro Toro before surfing their second session at Uluwatu.



Beginner Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

This morning our beginners made the short journey down to our local break at Padang Padang for their morning group surfing lessons.

Waves were breaking in the very beginner-friendly knee to waist high range — perfect for building confidence and finding your feet on the board for the first time.

After a fun and rewarding session, our beginners headed back to camp to refuel before another session back at Padang Padang later in the morning.



Beginner surf lessons at Padang padang, Bali

This morning our beginners group continued to improve their skills and have fun while having surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Conditions are nice today, fresh offshore wind in the early morning and waves are waist high to chest high or shoulder high on some sets. With detailed guidelines and assistance provided by our surf instructors together with passion of our learners about surfing, their skills improvement will not keep itself waiting. That is why our surf lessons is the most practical and effective way to learn surfing.



Beginner Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

This morning our beginners group continued to improve their skills and have fun while having surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Conditions are nice today, fresh offshore wind in the early morning and waves are waist high to chest high or shoulder high on some sets. With detailed guidelines and assistance provided by our surf instructors together with passion of our learners about surfing, their skills improvement will not keep itself waiting. That is why our surf lessons is the most practical and effective way to learn surfing.


Beginner and Intermediate Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

Slightly tricky conditions met our beginner and intermediate surfers this morning at our local beach of Padang Padang for their group and private lessons. Waves were breaking slightly faster than usual and there was a little current to contend with, but with the help of their expert instructors, it didn’t phase anybody and they all had a great session.

Our beginners were surfing the smaller, knee to waist-high waves next to the channel on the inside and the intermediates were taking on the larger — up to head-high — waves farther out to sea.

Elsewhere at the surf camp, our other groups headed out on the boat at Toro Toro this morning before everybody returned to the camp for lunch.




Beginner and Intermediate Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

For the second session of the camp’s group and private lessons this morning, our beginner and intermediate surfers headed down to our local break at Padang Padang.

Swell height was in the knee to chest range for this session with a couple of larger sets that arrived and, although the onshore wind wasn’t the lightest, it still allowed for clean surfing conditions.

The crowds weren’t as thin as they were for the early morning session but with expert tuition and wave selection from our highly experienced surf instructors, everybody managed plenty of rides and both groups were making some great progress.


Beginner Surfing Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

This morning, our beginner surfers headed the very short distance down the road to our local break of Padang Padang for their first session of group and private lessons.

Padang Padang is a great wave for learning to surf as the forgiving waves peel along the soft, seagrass-covered reef and into the channel where the waves don’t break — the perfect place to catch your breath before heading back out for your next wave.

This morning waves were breaking in the waist to chest-high range and everybody had loads of fun before heading to Dreamland after breakfast for their second session of the day.


Beginner Group and Semi-Private Surf Lessons at Padang Padang, Bali

Our beginner group stayed local this morning for their first session of group and semi-private lessons as they surfed less than 1km away from the camp at Padang Padang beach.

Wave height was a similar size to yesterday with sets coming through in the knee to waist-high range.

It might be late November but it’s still dry and sunny here in paradise and our guests are enjoying the fact that there are fewer people in the water and more waves to go around.