Padang Padang Surf Report and Spot Info


Surf lessons,Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

This morning our beginners group continued to have surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Conditions are still excellent, bright sunny day clean offshore wind which is so encouraging for our surfers considering that it is still rainy season here in Bali. New south west swell hasn’t arrived yet so waves are still not big and very comfortable for learning. This morning our beginners had so much fun on the waves knee to waist high or chest high on some sets.


Surf lessons,Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report

Another day, another great surf sessions for our surfers. Beginners group enjoyed their surf lessons at Padang Padang beach this morning. Swell is a bit smaller today with cross offshore wind but nevertheless conditions for learning are excellent. Waves are knee high to waist high. So many rides and so much fun this is the result of today’s surf session.

In the meantime our advanced groups headed to Uluwatu this morning and our intermediate group enjoyed surf lessons at Green Bowl. Very excited and fun for our surfer to Demonstrated their skills. Everybody had fun session!




Surf lessons,Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report


The very first steps in all undertakings are very important and sometimes they are most difficult. As well as for surfing which is one of the most physically challenging sports activities much depends on your first attempts in its comprehension and undoubtedly to have an experienced tutor is essential. This morning our beginners groups were learned surfing at Padang Padang Beach. Conditions is perfect for learning, light onshore wind, knee to waist high waves provided amazing surf session.

Our Intermediates group learn surfing at Green Bowl today with waves chest high to shoulder high. Nice day and great surf!




Surf lessons,Padang Padang, Bali, Surf report



This morning our camera went to Padang Padang beach where surf lessons for our beginners  took place. Swell is still not very big and our novice surfers happy surf one of their most favorite spot. Conditions are excellent today, with light offshore. Waves are waist high to chest high. Great session!

In the meantime, our intermediate group enjoyed surf lessons at Uluwatu. Excellent conditions to learn some new surf maneuvers. Waves are chest high to shoulder high and quite sufficient to enjoy and have fun.



Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning our beginners group had surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Surprisingly very quiet and clean conditions today. Excellent surprise for our novice surfers so they can learn surfing at their one of the favorite spots. Barely tangible offshore and no other people in the water. Swell size is a bit smaller than yesterday so waves are waist to chest high. Lots of practice, lots of fun and perfect start of the new day.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning our camera followed ladies from our tiny intermediate group who had surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Fresh early morning after overnight rain and wind is still light blowing onshore. Swell is smaller today so waves are also tiny, knee high to chest high on sets.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning our beginners group continued to learn and improve their skills while having surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Conditions are excellent today, light offshore wind in the early morning and very quiet. Swell is smaller than yesterday so waves are waist high to chest high. With detailed guidelines and assistance provided by our surf instructors and together with passion of our learners about surfing, their skill’s improvement will not keep itself waiting. That is why our surf lessons is the most practical and effective way to learn surfing and have fun, of course.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

Our tiny beginners group spent this morning at Padang Padang beach while having surf lessons. The wing is light and changing gradually blowing South West which is cross shore here on the West coast.  So conditions are getting cleaner so was it this morning. Swell is a bit dropped some but some sets still remind us of its recent presence. Therefore our beginners still surfed more at the inside section where waves are more suitable for novice surfers. This morning waves were chest high to shoulder high on sets outside and knee high at the inside.

We offer surf lessons for beginner and intermediate surfers. We specialise in teaching complete beginners who have never surfed before. Book now and do not miss a chance to enjoy the best surfing experience in Bali with the premier surf camp and yoga resort.