Padang Padang Surf Report and Spot Info


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report


Beginner group surfed Padang padang, chest to shoulder high on sets which is perfect condition for the learner, clean condition everybody had a fun rides (see photos). Intermediate group dawn patrolled to Balangan and advance group surfed Uluwatu were rewarded with excellent conditions and great waves, with some barrel sections on the racetrack everybody had a great sessions, Swell size smaller than yesterday, sunny light offshore winds.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

Today our camera followed beginners group which had surf lessons at Baby Padang in the early morning. Only our surfers in the water and nobody else is a good reason to wake up before sunrise. Notwithstanding the cloudy sky, conditions are nice today. Light offshore and waves are knee high to shoulder high on sets. Excellent surf session!

Surf lessons for our intermediate group took place at Dreamland this morning. As always superfun and enjoyable surfing session with lots of practice. Waves are shoulder high to head high.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

Learn to surf is an endless and very exciting process. Surfing allows you to develop your personal skills and even discover something new about yourself. The main thing is not to stop at what has been achieved. This morning our beginners group continued having surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Swell a bit bigger than yesterday but conditions are excellent. Beautiful sunny day with moderate offshore wind. Waves are knee high high to chest high or shoulder high on sets. Perfect surf session for improving and we sure that our surfers will not stop to exhibit their skills and self-improve.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning our camera went to Padang Padang beach where surf lessons for our beginners took place. Swell is nor big, the same as yesterday and our novice surfers happy to come back to one of their favorite spot. Notwithstanding of the light rain in the early morning, conditions are comfortable today with light offshore wind. Waves are clean and glassy, waist high to chest high and shoulder high on sets. Great session!

Both of our advanced and intermediate groups surfed Uluwatu’s at dawn this morning. Waves are shoulder high to head high and overhead high on sets. Great waves, great surfing, nice morning!



Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning our beginners group continued to learn and have fun while having surf lessons at Padang Padang beach. Conditions are nice today, light offshore wind in the early morning and waves are waist high to chest high or shoulder high on some sets. With detailed guidelines and assistance provided by our surf instructors along with passion of our learners about surfing, the improvement of surf skills will not keep itself waiting. That is why our surf lessons is the most practical and effective way to learn surfing.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

Dark clouds settled over Bali this morning but it didn’t interfere another great surfing session for our learners. Both our intermediate and beginners group headed to Padang Padang beach for surf lessons. Swell is dropping so, Padang Padang is the perfect for surf lessons today. Our intermediate group surfed outside of the spot where the waves were shoulder high to head high on sets. Beginners group had surfing lessons inside of the spot where waves were knee high to waist high. Excellent for both learners and improvers and super fun for everyone.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

Age means nothing when it’s about surf and it’s doesn’t matter when you decided to make your first steps in surfing. Our beginners surf lessons are designed for the people of all age groups. So if you still have doubts just put them off and go surfing.
This morning our beginners group had surf lessons at favorite spot for novice surfers at Baby Padang, before another solid swell arrived. Conditions very comfortable today for learning. Bright sunny morning and light offshore wind is still here. We surfed inside of the spot where waves are smaller, knee high to waist high.


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning both of our intermediate and beginners group headed to Padang Padang to have surf lessons there. Conditions are excellent today, bright sunny day with fresh offshore wind, so everything promised really fun session. Swell is bigger and waves are clean, shoulder high to head high size. Super fun and perfect for our surfers to exhibit their surf skills.
Our advanced surfers at the same time enjoyed their surf session at Uluwatu this morning. Fun waves head high to overhead high on sets and excellent surf session. Uluwatu is amazing!


Surf lessons, Bali, Padang Padang, Surf report

This morning our camera went to Padang Padang beach where surf lessons for our beginners took place. Swell is still not very big and our novice surfers happy surf one of their most favorite spot. Conditions are excellent today, a bit cloudy with light offshore. Waves are waist high to chest high and shoulder high on sets. Great session!
Our intermediate group enjoyed their surf lessons at Balangan this morning. Not so crowded today and conditions are clean. Waves are shoulder high to head high and excellent for improvers.
Advanced group, in the meantime, surfed Uluwatu this morning. Probably morning rain scared off other surfers but not us so very quiet only few surfers besides our group on the lineup and the waves are head high to overhead high on sets.