Padang Padang Surf Report and Spot Info


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Excellent beginner surf conditions this morning! Our surfers waited for the tide to come up, where they found beautiful, easy-breaking waves at Padang Padang. As a bonus, we enjoyed a late-season offshore wind, which is when the wind blows against the waves. This has the affect of holding the wave face up for longer, delaying the crest of the wave. This gives you more room on the wave, resulting in longer rides at Padang Padang.

The beginner surfers worked on getting to their feet and controlling their surfboard. Something that is more easily done when the wave is as long as it is at Padang Padang. Additionally, every wave breaks in a similar way, which further speeds up the time it takes to get up and riding with control.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Our beginner surfers rose before the sunrise to catch excellent surf at the perfect beginner surfing wave – Baby Padang. The surf did not disappoint this morning as we enjoyed fun waves with a light offshore wind. The waves came in at about shoulder-high with a few larger sets, which is a great size for improving your skills. Both the lefts and the rights were working great today! The rights offered clean rides with a reform section on some of the waves (making for extra long rides). While the lefts offered slower, tapered walls, which were ideal for learning to ride along the wave face with control of your board.

There are still plenty of excellent surfing opportunities here in Bali. Bali offers excellent conditions all year long. Let’s go!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

With a rising swell and a beautiful morning, our beginner surfers paddled out at Padang Padang bright and early to get their share of fun waves. A few larger sets would come occasionally; however, the waves were mostly in the head-high range. Some surfers opted to surf the inside section, where the wave reforms into a slower wave. The tide was just high enough for safe surfing, and the wind was blowing lightly sideshore. The wave faces were plenty clean, and the surfers were able to get fun rides going both left and right.

As you can see from our surf reports, the rain has not yet arrived. Bali is currently experiencing a drought resulting from El Nino conditions. The Bukit peninsula has only seen a few days with rainfall.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Perfect beginner surfing this morning! The waves were just the right size, the crowds were light, and the morning was sunny. The wind was blowing lightly offshore, which kept the waves open for just that little bit longer. The waves mostly came in at around shoulder-high, which is the perfect size for learning how to surf. These ideal conditions produced long rides, which are great fun and perfect for improving your surfing at a rapid rate.

When you get long ride after long ride, you will quickly learn how your movements and weight distribution affect how your surfboard moves through the water. Repetition is a key component of learning how to surf. When you get plenty of waves that are similar in shape and speed, you will improve by leaps and bounds.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Small waves, big fun! Our beginner surfers enjoyed perfectly sized slow-moving waves at every developing surfers’ favourite place- Padang Padang. The waves this morning were in the waist-high range, which is a great size for finding your bearings when learning to surf. The conditions were absolutely flawless, with not a drop of water or breath of wind out of place. The lefts were breaking methodically across the long reef, while the rights offered a shorter but faster ride.

The surfers worked on identifying where to place themselves on the wave to catch the wave before it broke. When learning to catch green waves, it is critical that you can identify the wave’s power source, and position yourself to be in the right place at the right time.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Today is a small wave day in Bali. This did not present an issue for our beginner surfers as the conditions were clean, the crowd was easy, and everyone was having a great time! Wave heights hover around waist-high, occasionally punctuated by larger sets. The long rides pealed nicely across the reef at a slow pace, ideal for learning to surf.

When the waves are small, slow-moving, and clean, a fresh surfer can improve by leaps and bounds in a short amount of time. In conditions like these, everything happens at a slower pace. You have more time to get to your feet and you travel across the wave face at a slower speed. All of this means that you can understand the art of surfing quickly.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

What a morning we had at everyone’s favourite beginner wave! With an early morning low tide, our surfers waited till mid-morning to begin their surf experience. The conditions may not have been the standard glassy perfection today, but our beginner surfers had a great time and made significant progress in the fun waves. The swell, diminishing in size and consistency over preceding days, yielded up to shoulder-high set waves, breaking in slow-moving lines. The wind was blowing moderately from the south, which blows sideways to the direction the waves are breaking, causing a texture to the lineup.

With proper instruction, a positive attitude, and extra motivation from our always smiling surf instructors, you are sure to be up and riding quickly while having the time of your life.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

Beautiful beginner surf conditions this morning! Our developing surfers enjoyed shoulder-high waves with a calm and clear ocean- exactly what a beginner surfer needs for a memorable day in the line-up! The waves were just the perfect size for a new surfer to easily learn to get to their feet and get that first good ride that they have been dreaming about. The surfers enjoyed getting wave after wave, which speeds up the learning process by leaps and bounds.

Additionally, the waves at Padang Padang break similarly to each other, formed by the shape of the reef below the waves. This repetition allows a surfer to improve at an exponential rate compared to most other beginner surf beaches- just one of the many reasons why Padang Padang is the perfect beginner wave!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Padang Padang

There is fresh, new life in the Indian Ocean this morning! Our beginner surfers enjoyed beautiful surf conditions- clear, warm water and perfect beginner-friendly waves. The waves were in the head-high range, the wave faces were particularly clean, and the wind was very light offshore for the duration of the session. The bump in wave size allowed the waves to run along the reef for longer, making for some exceptionally long rides. What a session everyone had!

The surfers worked on controlling the extra speed derived from the bigger and cleaner wave faces. To control this speed, a surfer must learn to keep their weight centred over the centre line of the surfboard, and their centre of gravity low- all of which are elements of the functional stance.