The Bukit Surf Report and Spot Info


Beginner Surf Lessons at The Bukit

With plenty of swell still in the ocean, our beginner surfers headed to a more protected break for a fun session. The waves were about shoulder high, with just a touch of offshore wind blowing through the lineup. The sea state was calm, and the water was balmy. This right-breaking wave offered slow, easy rides, allowing the surfers plenty of time to catch the wave and get going down the line. The wave face had a user-friendly slope to it, which is excellent for learning to surf.

We have about a month left of the dry season. After this, we will enter the quiet season featuring light, variable winds and smaller swells.


Intermediate surf guiding on The Bukit

With plenty of swell in the water and a low tide at first light, our intermediate surfers set off to surf the rights at Bingin. The surf was in the head-high to overhead range at this protected wave, with Bingin firing barrels for expert surfers within view. The wind was blowing lightly offshore at the base of the cliffs, and the sea state was very clean. The surfers worked on setting their rail to get down the line as quickly as possible.

Bingin Right is a fun, sheltered break for intermediate surfers when the swell picks up and the tide is low. The wave breaks in a clearly defined spot quite softly and at a measured speed.