Uluwatu Surf Report and Spot Info


Advanced surf guiding at Uluwatu

Uluwatu delivered great waves this morning! With the swell being solid, long, and clean rides were the norm. For those who dare and are not afraid of getting surprised by the occasional freak wave, the conditions were amazing.

Uluwatu is famous for its big and long walls, perfect for doing turns and getting barreled. Once you catch a wave like this, you won’t forget it. It burns into your memory and stays there forever. Days like today are something you always like to remember as one of the best sessions you ever had. From that point on, you just want to experience more of this and Bali is one of the best places in the world to do so.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

What a great start to the day this was at Uluwatu! Shoulder-high, clean waves, and just a few people out, this is what made everyone happy. It was fun at the racetracks section due to the lower tide. It is not an easy wave to surf, because the waves can be quite fast.

It is important to know how to generate speed down the line to be able to surf this wave. When the size of the waves is like today, it is perfect for intermediate surfers. With practice and guidance, you will be able to generate speed in no time. This is a basic skill everyone has to master, especially here in Uluwatu. No matter if you surf a shortboard or longboard, it’s a wave for everyone who likes to take on a new challenge.


Advanced surf guiding at Uluwatu

Our advanced group had a great session today at Uluwatu! Clean, long left-handers were breaking consistently and the tide was just right. Most surfers went early in the morning today, but we chose to do our second session at Uluwatu just before lunchtime.

This way we were able to be in the water with fewer other people and had the chance to catch more waves. Just make sure you put enough sunblock on when you go around this time. The conditions are great all day long, but often, during this time it is less busy as most people surf in the morning and evening. When you know where and when to go, amazing waves can be found every day.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Uluwatu was great today for our intermediate group. The waves were shoulder-high but clean and very fun to surf. Perfect to practice take-off and generating speed down the line. Surprisingly, the crowd was light and it was easy to catch waves.

With the higher tide coming in fast, the waves got a little bigger, but we already had a great session and we are now looking forward to the afternoon to surf again. We expect the conditions to be the same and everyone is excited to go out again to get more waves. Surfing Uluwatu for the first time is a big accomplishment. When you get used to the waves here, you will improve your surfing skills dramatically.


Advanced surf guiding at Padang Padang

After two massive days at Uluwatu, the swell has dropped a little, and head-high to overhead sets came through consistently. Still solid, but possible to surf for the more experienced surfers. It takes commitment to go out in these conditions and it is important to know your limits.

With big waves like this, being patient and choosing the right wave is key to having a good and safe surf session. Wave reading skills get tested thoroughly. Knowing which wave to let through and which one to take can only be mastered over time and with experience. If the waves are too big, best to watch from the beach and study the sets. Also this way you can improve your wave reading skills and one day be ready for the big challenge.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Uluwatu was a blast this morning! Fun waves and a happy crowd combined with sunny weather and blue water. Could it be any better?! Even though the waves were not that big, they were perfect for our intermediate and advanced groups.

What matters most is the shape of the wave and consistency when looking for the best surf spot to improve your surfing skills. When the tide and swell are right, Uluwatu is perfect to start surfing more challenging waves and to step up your surfing game. It is important to have professional guidance the first couple of times you surf here to get to know the spot and the different peaks. Local knowledge is key to being able to catch the best waves.


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu

Sunny weather, blue water, and great waves are what we need and what we got this morning at Uluwatu! Plenty of sets came through and everyone was catching waves. Due to the lower tide, the crowd wasn’t too bad either. A fun start to the day and ready for more this afternoon.

The swell was dropping overnight but is expected to get bigger again tomorrow. Most of the time Uluwatu is big enough due to its southern location. The waves there are generally speaking a little bigger than anywhere else on the west side of the Bukit. If the swell is small, Uluwatu is the place to go. The forecast of 5-8 feet tomorrow is looking solid and we are looking forward to getting amazing waves!


Intermediate surf guiding at Uluwatu 

The waves were very playful at Uluwatu today. Head-high sets came in every couple of minutes and the tide was just right. The strong offshore wind made it difficult to paddle into the waves, but once on them, racing down the line was pure excitement.

Due to the trade winds from the east this time of year, it is offshore all day long on the west side of the Bukit. This makes it easier to choose the right surf spot, you just need to make sure the swell and tide are right and don’t need to think about the wind too much. At the end of September and the beginning of October, the season and wind direction start to change slowly. Then the east side of Bali will be great again and we can explore the many right-handers the Island has to offer.


Advanced surf guiding at Uluwatu

Uluwatu was pumping this morning! The section at race tracks was super fun and long, clean waves offered fast rides and hollow barrels. Perfect for the ones who dare to walk over the sharp reef to get to the line-up.

This is what keeps the crowd away, once the tide fills up it is easier to get out and more people will come. Everyone is looking to get the perfect wave. Patience and knowledge of this particular wave help a lot. Our local surf guides know this spot in and out and they are happy to share the best waves with you!